Vaiaso o te Gana Tuvalu - Tuvalu Language Week 2020

Fale Tusi i Aukilani e fakamanatu te Vaiaso o te Gana Tuvalu / Auckland Libraries celebrates Tuvalu Language Week Talofa! Join us in celebrating Tuvalu Language Week from 27 Setema (September) to 3 Oketopa (October). This year's theme is Fakatili Te Kiloga Fou - Navigating the changing environment. Did you know? Tuvalu means 'eight islands together'. Tuvalu was once known as the Ellice Islands, and in 1978, Tuvalu declared independence from Great Britain. The capital is Funafuti Atoll; most government offices are located in the village of Vaiaku, Fongafale islet, a constituent part of Funafuti Atoll. The group includes both atolls and reef islands. The atolls - Nanumea, Nui, Nukufetau, Funafuti, and Nukulaelae - have islets encircling a shallow lagoon; the reef islands - Nanumanga, Niutao, Vaitupu, and Niulakita - are compact with a fringing reef. Tuvaluans are Polynesian, and their language, Tuvaluan, is closely related to Samoan. Nui, however, was heavily settled in pr...