Heritage Talks – live and online!

Symonds Street Cemetery. Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 1-W0245 We’re delighted to offer our popular Heritage Talks series online via Zoom and are pleased to have people tune in from around Aotearoa and worldwide! We’ve just released many of our previous talks on our YouTube channel – tune in to enjoy lectures on topics as diverse as early Chinese restaurants in Auckland, world-leading New Zealand artists and schisms in the 19th-century feminist movement. Explore our picks of the Heritage Talks playlist on YouTube and find out about upcoming Heritage Talks . Heritage Talks picks Two artists and their architects with Megan Walker Both were born in Europe and moved to New Zealand for love. Both enjoyed careers lasting for decades and joined the ranks of Aotearoa’s best-known artists. And both were uncompromising and fiercely creative women who succeeded in male-dominated industries, cementing their places in history by the force of their own talent. Megan Walker presents the s...