Winter with Auckland Libraries

Hot drinks, knitwear and cosying up with a good book – we all have our tried and tested ways of surviving the winter weather in Tāmaki Makaurau. Whether you head out to brave the cold or like to stay tucked up at home, our inviting and cosy spaces, binge-worthy collections, and portable Home Energy Audit Toolkits are here to help keep you and your whānau safe, entertained and warm this winter. Make our libraries your lounge If you want to escape the harsh winter weather, pop into your local library to kick back and relax! Browse the shelves, charge your phone, connect to the free WiFi, listen to a Book Bite or find a comfy couch and hunker down for an hour or two. Rānui and Devonport Library even have their own fireplaces, so make yourself at home! Free WiFi A friendly reminder that all of our libraries across Tāmaki Makaurau offer free wireless internet access (WiFi), including mobile libraries. Bring in your laptop, tablet or smartphone to access the internet. If you don’t...