Proudly published by Auckland Council Libraries

It will come as no surprise that we love sharing great books and stories, but did you know that we publish our own books? In 2020, we established a small but exciting publishing partnership programme to create and publish the pukapuka that we need more of in our libraries, with a particular focus on increasing our Māori and Pacific collections. Many New Zealand publishers are already doing amazing work creating Māori and Pasifika books, and we wanted to play a part too. The books we’ve published so far focus on te reo Māori and Pasifika languages and storytelling, often with a local angle. They promote literacy and help ensure that our libraries continue to be places of belonging for all Aucklanders. We follow a unique partnership approach, collaborating with local communities to create stories and working closely with publishing partners to bring these stories to life. Most recently, Auckland Council Libraries joined The Publishers Association of New Zealand / Te Rau o Tākupu as a me...