Auckland EcoFest 2021

Auckland's biggest environmental festival EcoFest 2021, is running in West and North Auckland from Saturday 20 March - Sunday 18 April. This month-long annual community festival is filled with environmental events, activities, workshops, and ways to live more sustainably. We're proud to support EcoFest with a round-up of environmental reads, recommended watches, events and websites. Working bees and restorations Some of our libraries have been enjoying regularly participating in the Te Ara Awataha restorations in the Northcote area . EcoFest offers many similar community restorations where you can meet other enthusiastic people in your area and help with local conservation efforts. You might also learn about local flora and fauna, native and pest plant identification, or experience a reconnection with nature and the environment. Love your stream day - Glen Eden - Wednesday 24 March, 9am - 12noon Waikumete Stream clean-up - Wednesday 24 March, 9am - 12noon Restoration ...