Books and Beyond: Waitangi Day 2021

This episode of Books and Beyond is a window on Waitangi weekend. Join Alison, Ineka and Sue as they discuss the rich resources relating to our founding document Te Tiriti o Waitangi that are available from Auckland Libraries and further afield. Listen to this episode on the Auckland Libraries podcast . Ngā Pātaka Kōrero - Auckland Libraries · Books and Beyond: Waitangi Day 2021 Books mentioned on the show The Treaty of Waitangi Te Tiriti o Waitangi: An Illustrated History by Claudia Orange (new edition published 2021) What Happened at Waitangi? by Claudia Orange New Myths and Old Politics: The Waitangi Tribunal and the Challenge of Tradition by Tipene O’Regan He Pukapuka Pātaku i Ngā Mahi a Te Rauparaha Nui / A Record of the Life of the Great Te Rauparaha by Tamihana Te Rauparaha; translated and edited by Ross Calman Imagining Decolonisation edited by Rebecca Kiddle; authors: Bianca Elkington; Moana Jackson; Ocean Mercier; Mike Ross; Jennie Smeaton; Amanda Thomas Bridge...