Books and Beyond: Matariki 2020

Pīataata mai – Shine your light on Matariki The whetū (stars) guide us in this special Matariki episode of Books & Beyond. Alison and Ineka are joined in the studio by two special guests: Jenny Barnett, who is the Poutuitui Ahunga Māori (Māori Service Coach) and Teri Ta’ala who is the Poukōkiri Tapoko Tāpaenga (Senior Librarian – Māori Collections). Listen to this week's episode on the Auckland Libraries podcast. Ngā Pātaka Kōrero - Auckland Libraries · Books and Beyond: Pīataata mai - Shine your light on Matariki Books mentioned in the show: Matariki: the star of the year by Rangi Matamua Matariki: te whetū tapu o te tau nā Rangi Matamua ngā korero The seven stars of Matariki by Toni Rolleston-Cummins Te Huihui o Matariki nā Toni Rolleston-Cummins ngā korero Puan...