Point Chevalier Library temporary location

Point Chevalier Library is temporarily relocating to the Annex at Point Chevalier Community Centre on Huia Road. The temporary location is set to open on Monday 20 February 2023. Check out the library's Facebook page for the latest updates on their opening. Point Chevalier Library closed as a precautionary measure in October last year due to ongoing building issues. Read more on Our Auckland Since the library’s closure, some services have been operating out of our mobile library in Point Chevalier Square. Our new temporary library location will let us return to normal opening hours and offer more library services, such as collecting holds. We can’t wait to see you there! Finding the new location The Point Chevalier Community Centre is located at 18 Huia Road, around the corner from the closed library. The temporary library is situated in the Annex room, behind the community centre building pictured below. Point Chevalier Community Centre from Huia Road (library entrance vi...