Books and Beyond: Books for animal lovers

This week on Books and Beyond, Karen and Louisa look at books celebrating the human-animal bond. Listen to this episode on the Auckland Libraries podcast and read on for the books mentioned in the show. Novelty cat books Out next year! The costume-loving cat of writer Paul Koudounaris has secured herself a book deal, as reported in Viva magazine Texts from Mittens: a cat who has an unlimited data plan... and isn't afraid to use it by Angie Bailey Animal mysteries, a subgenre of Cozy Crime: Hounding the pavement by Judi McCoy Mission impawsible by Krista Davis Murder most howl by Krista Davis Not a creature was purring by Krista Davis Three books about beloved dogs: Finding Gobi: the true story of a little dog and an incredible journey by Dion Leonard with Craig Borlase Flush, a biography by Virginia Woolf Afterglow: a dog memoir by Eileen Myles Treasure from the basement: ...