Update on Leys Institute Library

A message from Mirla 4 March 2020: Read latest update about Leys Institute Little Library opening date 19 December 2020: Read Leys Institute Library closure announcement and FAQs 31 January 2020 I am pleased to provide you with an update on library services and the Leys Institute Library. Over the holiday period we worked to find an interim solution for the community and today we take over the lease of a retail space at 14 Jervois Rd, Ponsonby, just 100m from the Leys Institute Library. It will take some time to design, convert and fit it out, but we expect to open the 'Leys Little Library' mid-March. When we have a more precise date I will let you know. The footprint is smaller than previous and the Leys team are thinking creatively about how to make the very most of the space available. From library data, we can see the 'hot' parts of the collection that are most used so we can make sure that the most popular genres have lots of fresh content...