Books and Beyond: Nonsense literature

This week our librarians Karen and Louisa celebrate nonsense literature, a delightful genre and not just for children. If it sometimes flies below the radar, its gems have a special ability to stick in our memories. Listen to this episode of Books and Beyond on the Auckland Libraries podcast . Books and authors mentioned during the show: Jenny Uglow's biography of Edward Lear, Mr Lear: a life of art and nonsense Edward Lear, The complete nonsense of Edward Lear , with a reading of verses from "The jumblies" John Lennon, In his own write , and, A Spaniard in the works Ogden Nash, Selected poetry of Ogden Nash , with a reading of "The turtle" Mervyn Peake, Titus Groan and Peake's progress: selected writings and drawings of Mervyn Peake edited by Maeve Gilmore, with a reading of "The trouble with geraniums" Margaret Mahy, Non-stop nonsense Geoffrey Grigson, Unrespectable verse , with a reading of "Ballad Tragique a Dou...