2023 Census support in libraries

Census letter on a fridge

Tuesday 7 March 2023 is Census Day 

Ko te Rātū 7 Poutūterangi 2023 te Rā Tatauranga

2023 Census is our chance to represent ourselves, our families, whānau, communities, and cultures.

When we all take part in the 2023 Census, all of us count - Tatau tātou.


What is the census?

The census is a nationwide survey that happens every five years. Every person who is in the country on the night of Tuesday 7 March 2023 will need to do the census.

By taking part in the census, you help create a better understanding of your community and what it needs. Your identity is kept private and confidential.

Read more on the census website

Census collector delivering a pack of materials to a man and his children

Doing the census

Stats NZ will start delivering census forms and instructions in February 2023. You will be able to do the census online or on paper, in English or te reo Māori. 

Depending on where you live, a census collector may visit, or you may get a census pack in your letterbox. Your census pack will contain: 

  • a letter with an access code, which lets you do the census online, or
  • a letter with an access code and forms to do the census on paper if you prefer.

You can complete the census as soon as you have your access code or paper forms. Whenever you complete the census, answer the questions as if it is Census Day (Tuesday 7 March 2023). 

Learn more on the census website

Support in libraries

Auckland Council Libraries will be supporting our communities to understand and complete the census. All staff at census support locations and events will treat your information and privacy with care and respect.

Librarian assisting a customer on a computer

Support locations

All Auckland Libraries are assisted completion locations throughout the census period (13 February - 7 April 2023). Find your nearest library on our website

We will be providing computer access and WiFi to help you complete the census online. 

Paper census forms will not be available at assisted completion locations, so please make sure to bring your access code or paper forms with you if you have them. 

Depending on availability on the day, our library staff may also be able to help you with the following: 

  • answering questions about the census
  • ordering paper forms
  • requesting an access code to do the census online
  • understanding your census forms
  • supporting you to answer the questions in your census forms.

You can also go to the census website to see all assisted completion locations at different facilities across Tāmaki Makaurau. 

People at a Stats NZ support event

Support events

Stats NZ will be running assisted completion events at specific libraries in February and March. Staff will be on hand to answer questions and help you complete the census. 

These events will have everything you need to do the census. You do not need to bring anything with you.

Check OurAuckland to find an assisted completion event at a library near you. 

Or visit the census website to see all assisted completion events at different facilities.

Other assisted completion partners

If you or someone you know needs extra help to complete the census, support is available through the following providers. 

These services require prior booking, so make sure to reach out to them directly.


  • Age Concern - call and make an appointment on 0800 652 105. Find your nearest location on the Age Concern website.
  • SeniorNet - find your nearest location on the SeniorNet website and make an appointment.
  • Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) - call and make an appointment on 0800 367 222. Find your nearest location on the CAB website.
  • YES Disability Resource Centre - located in Albany, call and make an appointment on 09 414 5360. Find out more on the YES Disability website.
  • English Language Partners - find your nearest location on the English Language Partners website and make an appointment.
  • Auckland iSite - located in Auckland Central, call and make an appointment on 0800 474 830. Find out more on the iSite website.
  • Deaf Aotearoa - phone 0800 33 23 22, or make a booking on the iSign website. Visit the Deaf Aotearoa website for more.
