2023 Census support in libraries

Tuesday 7 March 2023 is Census Day Ko te Rātū 7 Poutūterangi 2023 te Rā Tatauranga 2023 Census is our chance to represent ourselves, our families, whānau, communities, and cultures. When we all take part in the 2023 Census, all of us count - Tatau tātou. What is the census? The census is a nationwide survey that happens every five years. Every person who is in the country on the night of Tuesday 7 March 2023 will need to do the census. By taking part in the census, you help create a better understanding of your community and what it needs. Your identity is kept private and confidential. Read more on the census website Doing the census Stats NZ will start delivering census forms and instructions in February 2023. You will be able to do the census online or on paper, in English or te reo Māori. Depending on where you live, a census collector may visit, or you may get a census pack in your letterbox. Your census pack will contain: a letter with an access code, whic...