Books and Beyond: Literary power couples

Karen and Allison salute literary power couples, from the romantic era's Percy and Mary Shelley to the beat era’s Jane and Paul Bowles, via the lost generation's Zelda & Scott Fitzgerald and the eternal Gertrude & Alice. Listen to this episode on the Auckland Libraries podcast and read on for the books mentioned in the show. Books mentioned in the show: Forest dark by Nicole Krauss Here I am by Jonathan Safran Foer Save me the waltz by Zelda Fitzgerald The collected writings by Zelda Fitzgerald Tender is the night by F Scott Fitzgerald Two serious ladies by Jane Bowles The sheltering sky by Paul Bowles Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Selected poems and prose by Percy Bysshe Shelley The autobiography of Alice B Toklas by Gertrude Stein What is remembered by Alice B Toklas Paris was yesterday, 1925-30 by Janet Flanner Auckland Libraries' radio show Books and Beyond explo...