Books and Beyond: Crime time

Karen and Alison talk about the joys of reading crime fiction and recommend some favourites, while considering some of today’s tropes on the subject, such as the idea that crime novels by women are more brutal than those by men.

Listen to this episode on the Auckland Libraries podcast and read on for the books mentioned in the show.

Books mentioned in the show:

Tartan noir
Kiwi noir
  • Starting with Overkill, The Detective Sam Shephard series by Vanda Symon. 
LA noir
Scandi noir
Domestic noir
Mediterranean noir
Korean noir:
The Professional confessional:
Auckland Libraries' radio show Books and Beyond explores the world of books with guest authors, recommended reads, gems from the Central City Library basement and… beyond.

Catch us on Planet FM104.6, Sundays at 9.35pm. Recent shows can be listened to as podcasts via the Auckland Libraries podcast.
