Books and Beyond: Mess, magic and mothering

Michele Powles, Renee Liang and Lisette du Plessis (from left) on Books and Beyond. Writer, Michele Powles, and poet, playwright and paediatrician, Renee Liang, talk with Karen about capturing the joy, beauty, discomfort and humour of the first years of motherhood as co-authors of the new book When we remember to breathe: mess, magic and mothering , joined by publisher Lisette du Plessis from Magpie Pulp. Listen to this episode on the Auckland Libraries podcast. Auckland Libraries' radio show Books and Beyond explores the world of books with guest authors, recommended reads, gems from the Central City Library basement and… beyond. Catch us on Planet FM104.6 , Sundays at 9.35pm. Recent shows can be listened to as podcasts via the Auckland Libraries podcast .