Books and Beyond: Joanne Drayton

Karen chats with Joanne Drayton about Hudson & Halls: the food of love, her new book about two television chefs who helped change the bedrock bad attitudes of a nation in the 1970s and 80s to that unspoken thing – homosexuality. They were also captains of a culinary revolution that saw the overthrow of Aunt Daisy and Betty Crocker and the beginnings of Pacific-rich, Asian-styled international cuisine.

Listen to this week's episode on the Auckland Libraries podcast.

Read on for the books mentioned in the show.

Joanne Drayton is also the author of the New York Times bestseller, The search for Anne Perry, about the bestselling crime novelist who left behind another identity - that of Juliet Hulme of 'Heavenly Creatures' fame - as well as a number of critically-acclaimed biographies.

Auckland Libraries' radio show Books and Beyond explores the world of books with guest authors, recommended reads, gems from the Central City Library basement and… beyond.

Catch us on Planet FM104.6, Sundays at 9.35pm. Recent shows can be listened to as podcasts via the Auckland Libraries podcast.
