Books and Beyond: National poetry day

This week on Books and Beyond, Karen and Louisa share recordings of some of their favourite poets in performance, including many NZ Poet Laureates, with a cameo from Janet Frame and a driving finale from current NZ Poet Laureate Selina Tusitala Marsh.

Listen to this Books and Beyond episode on the Auckland Libraries podcast and read on for the books mentioned in the show.

Special thanks to Auckland University Press for their fantastic Poets in Performance series of book-and-CD sets.

Classic New Zealand Poets in performance:

Contemporary New Zealand Poets in Performance: 

New New Zealand Poets in Performance:


  • Fast talking PI: Fast Talking PI CD – Track 1, read by Selina Tusitala Marsh.
Auckland Libraries' radio show Books and Beyond explores the world of books with guest authors, recommended reads, gems from the Central City Library basement and… beyond.

Catch us on Planet FM104.6, Sundays at 9.35pm. Listen to recent shows on the Auckland Libraries podcast.
