Upcoming OverDrive and Libby changes

Over the next few months, there will be a few small changes to how you access OverDrive and Libby. No need to panic – your favourite eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines will still be available! Read on to discover what changes are happening and what you need to do. The OverDrive and Libby login process is changing A change is coming with the OverDrive and Libby login process in the coming months. This change will mean you will need more than just a barcode to sign into OverDrive and Libby - you will need to use your library barcode and the PIN/password you use to log into your Auckland Libraries account. You can get ready for this change by making sure you know your library login details and how to log into your Auckland Libraries account . Don’t remember your login details? No problem! You can easily reset your PIN/password on our website . All you need is your library card barcode number. If you’ve never had a PIN/password or you’re having trouble resetting it, contact your loc...